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Hikers in Mountainous Landscape
Flint Hartwig Headshot | Chelan County Commissioner Candidate


For Chelan County Commissioner




About Me

Flint Hartwig's unique and diverse background has forged him into a formidable community leader. Born in Colville and raised in Honduras where his family engaged in humanitarian work, Flint was immersed in a world of diverse cultures and pressing challenges from an early age. This early exposure honed his sense of community, responsibility, resilience, and adaptability.


Returning to the U.S. during his teens, Flint settled in Leavenworth, where he met his wife, Jamie. Together, they've spent over two decades in Chelan County, developing deep roots in our community, and helping shape our social and economic landscape. Flint’s career began in Wenatchee at Les Schwab, progressing to him becoming a real estate developer and business owner.  Some local staples that Flint and Jamie have been principal in are Eider Construction, Riverfront Rock Gym, Bella Bistro, Cypress Trucking, and Hartwig Excavation.

Flint Hartwig Photo | Chelan County Commissioner Candidate
Forest Landscape
Politics can often feel distant, disconnected from the real struggles and aspirations of everyday people. But I refuse to be confined to an office or separated from the heartbeat of Chelan County. I'm Flint Hartwig, dedicated to rolling up my sleeves and standing shoulder to shoulder with my fellow citizens. I believe in making change where it matters most: on the ground, in our communities, and in the lives of each and every person in Chelan County. No more empty promises, no more political games. Let's make real change happen together, with no nonsense, just genuine commitment to a better future for all.


Brandt Cappell

Chris Willoughby

Tiffany Gering

Ace Bollinger

Dr. Stuart Freed

Cary Condotta

Dr. Mark Shipman

Goodfellow Brothers

Sage Homes

Selland Construction

Wenatchee Builders Association

Stewart Cusick

Dr. Gillian Shaw

Braden Draggoo

Maverick Farm

Ann Congdon

Aaron Yong

Chad Holaday

Shiloh Burgess

Angela Dye

Dr. Karl Lambert

Republican Party Central Committee

Building North Central Washington

Nick McLean


Meet The


Message From

I have a crazy idea!!
Votar por una solución!
Flint Hartwig Blue Logo | Hartwig for Chelan County Commissioner



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